その着せ替え人形は恋をする My Dress-Up Darling

AmazonPrimeVideoチャンネル Kindle ストア 本 :Amazon.co.jp

 「その着せ替え人形は恋をする (そのビスク・ドールはこいをする)」は、不意討ちをくらうアニメだ。


TOKYO MX等で放送中。

"My Dress-Up Darling" is an anime that you get hit unexpectedly.



I watched from first episode to 6th. A cosplaying girl meets a dressmaking boy, they becoming love through the cosplay; stands for costume-play. Meaning of the word is changed by anime / manga fandom in Japan, which is dressing up to characters in anime / manga world.

In spite of some opportunistic situation, I can keep watched the midnight anime with bit disgust.


 工芸品等の世界では「細部に神は宿るGod is in the detail(s)」と言うそうだが、このアニメもまた細部に手を入れ、なおざりに作らないよう気をつけていると感じる。なおthe devil is in the detail(s)という言い回しもあるという。→Details - Idioms by The Free Dictionary


I have heared say of "God is in the detail(s)" for craftworks, and noticed that the filmmaker also deliberately portrays the anime and dosen't disregard the details.

Yet it seems to be also said "the devil is in the detail(s)". →Details - Idioms by The Free Dictionary