明日ちゃんのセーラー服 AKEBI's sailor uniform

AmazonPrimeVideoチャンネル Kindle ストア 本 :Amazon.co.jp


TOKYO MXBS朝日等で放送中。

 "AKEBI's sailor uniform" is an anime that would be constructed from physicality.



 I watched from first episode to 6th.

 The characters have been kinetic on three-dimension freely in the politely painted background art and lighting. Thereat, it entices the viewers with most coquettish and attractive expression, while neutralized them with the landscape.

They have the viewers feel an atmosphere in the space.


* Japanese think sailor uniform the school girls' uniform, due to the outfit has been wearing by them at town in Japan, that is Japanese don't think it the Navy's uniform usually.

A protagonist only of the anime is wearing a sailor uniform at the school.